04 May, 2009

A Great Man Has Passed . . .

Today, our family attended the funeral of Norm H. Rosell. It was a lovely service celebrating the life, service, and testimony of Jesus Christ, of President Rosell. I did not know him for nearly the time that most did, however, he always had a kind smile, a warm handshake, and a twinkle in his eye as I would see him in the halls at church or around town. President Rosell was the man who sealed Michelle and I and Michelle's grandfather, father, and family knew him very well.

He will be missed, but has gone to Paradise to await the resurrection when he will live in the eternity's with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and his sweet wife and family.

Our prayers and thoughts go out to his wife, Jerri and family.


The Tomlinsons said...

That was really nice!

Holly said...

That is so sad. I didn't know that he passed away. I know he was really sick, so I'm glad he's not suffering anymore. Thanks for your sweet words of comfort. Call me sometime, I miss you!