27 February, 2009

Sleep Tight

Last Sunday we got home from church and daddy went upstairs to get a change of clothes for you. This is what he found when he came back down. You conked out on the family room floor surrounded by your blankies (I guess this is what happens when church starts the same time as your nap). I just had to pick you up and hold you and the best part, you stayed asleep while I held you and even when I put you back down. You looked so peaceful! I love you!

Hayden was having quiet time a few days ago. This day his quiet time involved potato heads. He brought this one in to me and said, mom guess who this is? So I thought and thought and nothing was coming to me so finally I gave up. Hayden said, it's Jesus. Sure enough, there was the mostache and the sandals (shh - please don't tell him Hayden put him in yellow flower flip flops).

20 February, 2009

The boys are plotting. They are boycotting naps. I have tried to prepare myself for Hayden who just turned 5. I knew his naps wouldn't last much longer, but Carson? They think I cannot hear them going from room to room trying to be as quiet as can be (with doors slamming). I am trying to decide how to react. Do I show them I dis-approve, or do I let them think I have no idea and continue to enjoy some quiet computer time...with spouts of laughter. I like the latter!

16 February, 2009

Fun, Fun, and more Fun

We had the funnest Valentine's Day weekend. Jared started it off by surprising me Friday night with our V-day celebration. I have wanted to go out to eat at The Melting Pot for about 6 years. When he told me he had Valentine's dinner covered, I was wishing and hoping it would be there, but was trying to not get my hopes up too high in case it was someplace else. Well, about 7 months ago they put one in Temecula so he made reservations. It was a little pricey, but soooooooooooooooooo worth the cost. I think Jared realizes he may have made a mistake in taking me there as this is now my new favorite restaurant. I suppose we will have to figure out how to duplicate the sauces and fondue.

We went up Saturday to Palomar Mountain and had such a blast. We found the perfect spot (along with a couple hundred other people) for sledding.

10 February, 2009

Meet Texas...

We have a new addition to our home. This addition is so obvious and bold we feel it is now apart of our family. We felt we needed a little splash of color to set apart our "Oyester White" walls, and since I am a big fan of Terra Cotta - not to be confused with Burnt Orange, Pumpkin, or Pink - we painted our Texas wall Terra Cotta and we love it. Although, in the morning the light reflects off Texas and turns the rest of the room looking like it is on fire it's so bright. I love the Splash...ok so this wall is way more than a splash of color...but it adds so much more. We love it.

It ties in our Living Room perfectly. So when Jared gets a job we will have a huge party/ Open House and you can all come over and meet Texas and celebrate with us. I think Hayden especially adds a nice little touch to the picture.

01 February, 2009


My mom sent me this video and I love it. I think it especially touched me because today as I was sitting in Sunday school there was a quote that was read that I really loved by Elder Boyd K. Packer, "Inspiration comes more easily in peaceful settings. Such words as quiet, still, peaceable, Conforter about in the scripture. The world grows increasingly noisy. Clothing and grooming and conduct are looser and sloppier and more disheveled. Rauccous music, with obscene lyrics blasted through amplifiers while lights flash psychedelic colors, characterizes the drug culture. Variations of these things are gaining wide acceptance and influence over our youth. This trend to more noise, more excitement, more contention, less restraint, less dignity, less formality is not coincidental nor innocent nor harmless. The first order issued by a commander mounting a military invasion is the jamming of the channels of communication of those he intends to conquer. Irreverence suits the purposes of the adversary by obstructing the delicate channels of revelation in both mind and spirit."
Amid all the calamities that will befall us and our time, we are blessed to have personal revelation. If we stay apart from the world we will be able to stand strong and immovable. I love that we have a Heavenly Father who doesn't force us to do anything we don't want to do. If we stray from the path, he wants so badly for us to come back to him but it is on our own terms and he will always accept us with loving arms. The ultimate example. It can be easy to get wrapped up in the noise of the world, but I love having Sundays set aside to remind me again of the purpose of this life and as my role of a wife and mother. I am so grateful for my family and pray that I can fulfill those roles having no regrets.