22 August, 2008


Today we had some friends from our home town up. We had such a wonderful time together. I was telling them, it was a miraculous thing that I didn't have to even once remind Hayden to be kind, or break up a quarrel. He had such a great time playing with his friends. We played at our house for about an hour then went down to the park right down the road. The rest of this day I have felt so filled with joy as I have thought about their friendships and how much my dear "BB's" mean to me. I am so grateful for good friends. They are so non-judgmental and accepting of me with all my faults. They would each do just about anything if I requested it. We celebrate each others ups and downs and try to plan regular girls nights out (although I haven't been able to be at one for a while). We celebrate each others birthdays, and those of our kids, family crisis, pre-school, jobs, and life in general. We have delivered meals to each other upon the birth of one of our children, moving, the death of a loved one, rough pregnancy, or if one of us is having a particularly hard day. I have many good friends all over, but here at home, these girls are so special to me, and I just wanted to say thanks!!!
This picture is unique because we are almost all (except for Elysian) together...

20 August, 2008

More Progress...

So, this is the day we have been waiting for for a few years now. Hayden is old enough to play on a real soccer team. Ever since he was in the womb, he has been a natural kicker, hehehe. He has awesome coordination and is very excited to start. Jared went with him last night to get his shin guards, soccer socks, and size 3 ball- did I mention he has had an has also been wearing his size 12 soccer cleats since he was 2. He has been wearing the gear all day and is anxiously waiting for his practice tonight. Carson also is excited to "play on my soccer team" and has plans on playing with daddy while Hayden practices and I stay home to work, bummer for me.

I finished the Living Room curtains and ottoman. We love how they turned out. I have no idea what the next project is. We just got a bid on doing hard-scape in the back and that could still be a few months. Who would have known a patio is so expensive.

19 August, 2008

Protect Marriage

My cousin has this posted on her blog and since I think it is so important to be aware of and to fight, I wanted to post it on mine as well.

Go to this link... now! www.protectmarriage.com

This organization is to help spread information and solidify support for the California ProtectMarriage Constitutional Amendment -- now officially numbered Proposition 8 (also know as the “California Marriage Protection Act” and the “Limit on Marriage Amendment”).

Why should you care?--even if you don't live in California? Because if this state constitutional amendment doesn't pass to settle the definition of marriage debate once and for all, it will spread to every other state in just a matter of time.

*****HOW YOU CAN HELP*****

1. Inform your friends and family of the upcoming vote in November. Educate them on the fact that amending our state constitution, something that is very common in California, will “undo” the Supreme Court’s decision overruling the will of the people and legalizing gay "marriage." Also, continue to invite people to join our Facebook group.

2. Donate! Even $5 or $10 can make a difference. This effort will take financial participation from everyone who cares about protecting marriage. You can donate online: https://www.icontribute.us/protectmarriage

3. Become part of the team and volunteer: http://www.protectmarriage.com/volunteer

4. Finally, stay positive. Do not get discouraged by any media reports that the amendment is “losing,” or lacks support. Remember, the exact language we are trying to add to the constitution was passed by Prop. 22 with over 61% of the vote in 2000, and our polls show it currently has the support necessary to pass.


* What would the ProtectMarriage Amendment do?

If passed, the Protect Marriage Amendment would add new language to the state constitution: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” Eighteen other states have voted to amend their constitutions in a similar way.


* Why is a constitutional amendment necessary? Didn’t Californians already vote on something like this?

In the March 2000 election, the voters overwhelmingly passed Proposition 22 by over 61% of the vote. Prop. 22 added a regular statute to the California Family Code to keep marriage between a man and a woman and prevent the state Legislature from redefining marriage without a vote of the people. Since then however, politicians and judges have chipped away at Prop 22 and ignored the will of the voters. Most recently, the California Supreme Court held that the changes brought about by Prop. 22 were unconstitutional under the state constitution, and ruled that same-sex “marriage” must be allowed.

An amendment to the California Constitution, which requires a vote of the people, is the only way to stop the court's redefinition of marriage against the will of the majority of Californians.


* How is the ProtectMarriage Amendment different from Prop 22? Can the California courts still overrule a constitutional amendment?

Proposition 22 added a regular statute to the California Family Code. Regular statutes are a “lower” law than the state constitution. By adding the ProtectMarriage Amendment to the state constitution, which is the highest source of law in the state, the California courts would be required to uphold marriage because there is no other source of “higher” state law than the California Constitution.


* What is the process for passing a Constitutional Amendment?

Step 1: The official proponents of the ProtectMarriage Amendment provide an official petition proposing the amendment to the voters. The campaign must then obtain over 700,000 valid signatures of registered California voters within just 150 days after the Attorney General issues the Official Title and Summary of the measure.
Step 2: When all the signatures have been gathered, the official proponents submit the signatures gathered in each county to the local elections official to verify the number of valid signatures.
Step 3: Local elections officials report the total number of verified signatures to the Secretary of State. If there are enough valid signatures, the Secretary of State puts the amendment on the next statewide election ballot for a vote.
Step 4: If the amendment receives more than 50% of the vote, it becomes part of the state constitution immediately.

We are currently done with steps 1, 2, and 3. All that remains is getting out the vote and receiving more than 50% in favor of the amendment in the November 2008, California General Election.

Toe Bandit

So, while we were in Sedona, Hayden had a very apparent crush on his newest aunt Rochelle. I don't know if it was a crush on her as much as it was her toes- probably both. He would crawl underneath the table if she was sitting at it and play with her toes, or he would sneak up behind her and poke them. He basically couldn't leave her alone most of the trip. One night uncle Jeremy saw Hayden up out of bed when everyone else was asleep lifting up the sheets of the bed where Rochelle was sleeping to take a peak at her toes. So, Jeremy (Rochelle's hubby, Jared's brother) just sent me this haiku he dedicated to Hayden, the toe bandit and I thought it was blog worthy...

sneaky, ninja like.
the toe bandit strikes again.
crush on aunt rochelle

17 August, 2008

Newport Beach

Well, Newport Beach is my favorite vacation all year. I have been going with my family since I was a little girl. We always go with the same family, the Bayards and always have such a great time. This is seriously my FAVORITE vacation. I have so many great memories of Balboa Island and all the smells of Balboa Bars and Waffle Cones and the sea breeze, crab hunting, the smell of the bay, the sound of the boats slowly going by and the sound of the sand being crushed while walking along the Island's boardwalk. I just love it there. Each day we went to the bay and played, one of the days we even got rained on. I think my kids favorite part was the annual bonfire, but this time there was a guy selling glow-in-the-dark "light sabers" and there were about 7 crazy little boys playing swords on the beach. Hayden still sleeps with his sword and is up bright and early to play with it. He and Carson LOVED having some little friends to play with. This year there were 7 little kids, 6 of them boys ages 4 and under. So, it was absolutely crazy but it was great. We rented some Kayaks one day and all took turns taking them out. And most of the adult kids on Friday got in the bay and went for a swim with our little ones. Here are some pics...

10 August, 2008

Sedona, AZ

Well, we just got back from a wonderful week with Jared's family in Sedona, AZ and are off again tomorrow for a week in Newport Beach with my family. Sedona was absolutely gorgeous. I couldn't believe the scenery. It was absolutely incredible. The mountains and rock formations were in-describable. The first day we were there, we went on a Hummer-Jeep tour. It was crazy. Our tour guide Gary didn't want us to miss out on any part of the adventure and took us over large rocks, put the hummer on two wheels, let us taste a Prickly Pear, and sped down dirt paths. It was a blast. We also visited many of the local Indian ruins, Slide Rock, did lots of swimming, went to the beautiful hillside town of Jerome, and a castle, darn-it I can't recall the name at the moment, we ended the vacation by attending the Mesa temple Saturday. Jared's sister just returned from her mission in Houston, Tx, so the time spent with her was wonderful as well. The boys loved being able to spend time with their aunts and uncles, Hayden especially loved meeting his newest aunt, Rochelle. He was fascinated by her feet/ toes and just about everything about her in general. He didn't quite know how to leave her alone. Thankfully she is very sweet and just rolled with him.
Here are some pictures.

04 August, 2008

My Newest Addition and Creation

So, sometimes I get these crazy ideas and visions in my head of how I want things to look and finding just the perfect fabric. I made these this weekend and love them. They go so well with the colors we want to have in our home, if you blow up the picture you can see I am not quite finished yet. I have to get some more pieces for the rod. I also special ordered more fabric to make curtains for the Living Room and already have some picked out to put in the Dining Room as well. My next two projects will be making our ottoman and the LR curtains, whenever the fabrics come in for those two items. We are loving being home owners and customizing things.
We also had a little mover and shaker this last week, I believe it was a 5.4 earth-shake as my kids call them. We didn't think we had any damage, but a few days ago our sliding glass doors double pane shattered, we think the homes foundation shifter ever so slightly and put forced stress on the glass causing it to shatter. What a bummer. We are hoping our home warranty will cover the fix. We shall see.
Hayden gave the scripture in primary yesterday and did such a fabulous job. I should have taken a picture of him. He looked so handsome in his suit, tie, and Jared's missionary tag on.
Well, have a wonderful week. We are off to Sedona Arizona then Newport Beach for some much needed R and R.