19 August, 2008

Toe Bandit

So, while we were in Sedona, Hayden had a very apparent crush on his newest aunt Rochelle. I don't know if it was a crush on her as much as it was her toes- probably both. He would crawl underneath the table if she was sitting at it and play with her toes, or he would sneak up behind her and poke them. He basically couldn't leave her alone most of the trip. One night uncle Jeremy saw Hayden up out of bed when everyone else was asleep lifting up the sheets of the bed where Rochelle was sleeping to take a peak at her toes. So, Jeremy (Rochelle's hubby, Jared's brother) just sent me this haiku he dedicated to Hayden, the toe bandit and I thought it was blog worthy...

sneaky, ninja like.
the toe bandit strikes again.
crush on aunt rochelle

1 comment:

umeand3 said...

Hi Michelle,

I think this is the funniest, if not cutest, story I have heard in a while. Tell Hayden we miss him too. Your house is really coming along. I love the new drapes and your couch. We're going to have to come visit just to see the house again! I'm so excited for you and finally having your own home. You always were a great decorator, but now you can "customize" as you said -- it's awesome.