03 July, 2008

Had to post...

So, today is the day of posts it appears, but I had to post this because I just thought it was so funny.I just answered the phone and had about a 15 minute conversation with someone, and I have no idea who they were. I just played along and the lady asked how the kids were and all about what was happening in our lives, so I told her about the kids and about how we have been on the phone with our HOA to try to get a go-ahead with our front yard and lots of other things. Then she started talking about all these people, I have no idea who they are. She talked to me about how they have to sell their house and about her husbands job. I just okay'd and yeah'd my way through the whole conversation. I was laughing to myself the whole time and didn't have the heart to ask who she was because she was so pleasant. Hopefully she doesn't keep calling though. Anyways, had to share.


Unknown said...

That is so hillarious!! I was totally cracking up when I read this. Hey, we miss you guys!!! When are you coming back to the motherland for a visit?? (That's what Jacob's sister calls it)

Katie said...

Michelle, you crack me up, I can totally see this happening. I have had a similar experience. I wonder if she will call back!?!

Holly said...

That is so awesome. I think I've done that, but not for fifteen minutes! I think I usually figure out who it is by the end of the conversation. That's so great. I did buy my ticket for the reunion. I'm coming the 28th, and leaving Dec 1st. Not a long trip, but I'm not bringing my kids (yea!) so I can't stay away too long. I think you and Heidi should come over to my parents house and we could all get ready together just like old times. Plus, the venue is right down the street! I think that would be a blast!