08 November, 2008

Soccer Monster

Our little soccer monster was the king of his last game today. He made 7 goals. The coach had to take him out to give some of the other kids a turn to kick the ball. He was on fire. Love you soccer monster!


Jenn said...

Just like his mommy!

Nicki said...

It totally runs in the genes-- your kids are destined to be soccer machines! And I think I remember you wearing that same uniform, no?

Heidi Kjar said...

Sweet that is awesome! Go soccer monster!!

Texas Blad's said...


The Tomlinsons said...

WAY TO GO!!!!!

Rachel said...

It was so cool we were on the field next to him and just as I turned over to look at the game - Hayden scored - I was pretty excited! Little did I know that it was 1 of 7, yes I agree a little soccer monster!

Holly said...

That's so cute! All you Moffits are so good at soccer, so it doesn't surprise me! Makes me excited to see what kind of "monsters" my kids will turn out to be. Go Hayden!!