16 June, 2008

Homeward Bound

As the 4th of July is approaching, I have thought a lot about our freedom's, especially as our country seems to be slowly deteriorating with various bills passing, such as the recent over-ruling by a panel of judges in California who decided marriage is unconstitutional as determined to be just between a man and woman. There are other recent rulings where the government has chosen to micro-manage our lives (like what we can and can't do in our cars- such as talk on the phone), and other bills being brought before the Senate. When I think about our country, I think of our forefathers and what our great country was originally founded upon. I am so grateful that I was born of goodly parents and into a free nation. I am also grateful for those giving their lives fighting for our freedoms at home and abroad.


Unknown said...

Okay, you CAN'T post stuff like that!! It gets me everytime. Great video, btw.

Shel said...

You always have the most thought provoking things to say. I love everything you post. Thank you for the reminder of all that we have. This video made me cry. Thanks!