14 July, 2008

The Woes of Shopping

So, I told the boys we needed to run some errands today, I swear I am so embarrassed about going into some stores I have returned things so many times after I buy some sort of home decor then end up changing my mind about it or finding something else. So today I pulled into a parking lot and didn't tell Hayden where we were going and he looked at the store, hit his forehead with his hand and said "Oh, we are at Home Goods. I hate this store." I just started laughing and couldn't stop. Maybe you had to be there, but for a 4 year old to recognize a store just by pulling into a parking lot speaks loads about...well, probably both of us. I have a shopping problem and he is a very smart and observant little boy.


Unknown said...

That cracks me up! Lizzy will do that too!..We need to get those kiddos together! I'm thinking a spring wedding... :)

The Tomlinsons said...

Oh, that's so funny! I love it when they say stuff like that! Leah knows when we're at WalMart or Home Depot or the mall, and will point them out if we drive past!

niki said...

Hey just wanted to let you know i tagged you on my blog.

Anna said...

HA!! I had the same realization when Warren says "YEA, IKEA!!!" every time we drive near the place. Brandon curses my name!

Shel said...

That is hilarious!! What a smartie!! And the conversation with the lady is a crack up. I wonder who she thinks she was talking to? You are soo nice not to break the news to her!! :)

Jenn said...

Ha ha! This story makes me laugh!!! What a smart boy!! It is amazing how much children pick up on! Emma's favorite store right now is the "fabric store". Kinda weird, but she asks to go all the time. =)

Monica said...

Hey!!! I have a blog now :) are you proud of me or WHAT???