15 January, 2008

Lesson Learned...

Oft times I am humbled by the wisdom and innocence of my little Hayden. Tonight was one of those times. We were in his room getting him ready for bed and he had a sword he got from SeaWorld today (Grammy and Papa took him for his birthday, I think this is the final last hooray- although he has already started asking when his next birthday is). I told him he could only keep the sword in his room as long as it stayed on his floor and he didn't get out of bed to play with it, he is funny about being able to see where some of his favorite toys are, even if he can't play with them he just wants to know they are there. He thought for a moment then asked, "well how will you know if I get out of my bed?" My response was quick and I was thinking about relaxing on the couch for a few minutes, having the house to myself, so I said "because mommy knows everything, please get into bed." He thought for only a moment then said, "mommy, if you know everything isn't that being prideful?" I was immediately humbled and told him I was sorry and explained to him how I could hear his feet from downstairs when he gets out of bed. He was more satisfied with that answer, as was I.
I was walking through the mall with Carson today when I happened to read the height limit for the children's play area, which is 42'' in the mall. Yesterday Hayden had his 4 year physical and the nurse told us he is 41 1/2''. I never thought the time would come so soon when my little boy is too big for the kid play area. It made me sad to think about how quickly he is growing up. Then I reflect on the poem I put up earlier today about how babies don't keep, and to put everything else aside to enjoy this time with my kids while they are young. They are so precious.


Shel said...

Everytime I read your blog I leave feeling like I need to be soo much better, which is a good thing! :) You totally inspire me everytime I read your postings!! I need to be more like you Michelle! I need to put some of your phenomenal quotes on my blog too! I love them!! You are truly an amzing mom and wife...it sooo very apparent!! Love your guts!!

Shel said...

And I sent before I added what a gem Hayden is....and of course Carson too! I am soo impressed with little Hayden man! Whata cutie...I just want to come visit and play with your boys!! They kill me everytime I look at the pictures on here!!

Heidi Kjar said...

Wow- that is amazing. I can't believe that he said that Michelle. Wow. So neat.

Heidi Kjar said...

BTW- Shel is right- I feel the same way about how inspirational you are as a person.

Unknown said...

That is too cute. You are such a better mom than I. In response to "isn't that being pridefull?" I would have said..."No...go to bed". Maybe I should try and recognize those teaching moments a bit more... :) Love the spiderman party. Wish I could have been there to do the cake! I actually have a spiderman cake and cupcakes on my website. Miss you guys. I'm trying to do everything I can to move back...

Nicki said...

Michelle! I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I LOVE your blog! It's so fun to finally keep tabs on you and your cute family!

I'm sure you figured out that I didn't end up going to Cali with Brady last summer (I had to stay here and work, and I had my pic line in for my prego sickness).. but I'm SOOOO excited to move down to Riverside in September so we can finally get together more often! Love you!