27 January, 2008

Women's Conference

We had our stake women's conference on Saturday and Mary Ellen Edmonds came to speak to us. I took a few notes that I wanted to share. The main topic of her talk was Happiness. I thought, if she can be happy, I have no reason not to be. She is I would guess in her 60's, never been married and has no kids, and she is so happy. She said that we have no reason to not be the happiest people on earth. Here are a few bullet-points of things she talked about...
- How can we each cultivate a Spirit of gladness?
- Something is wrong if we aren't having joy now.
- If we have to stand alone, we must do it.
- If we as women will be united, our strength will be uncalcuable.

Then a member of the stake presidency spoke to us and I loved this analogy he made. He talked about Peter, when he got out of the boat and was trying to go ashore to be beside the Savior, his eyes were looking down at his feet and his focus was not the Savior, he wasn't at first successful on his way to the Savior and he was falling. When children learn to walk they lock eyes with you or whom ever they are walking towards, and they put one foot in front of the other, focused on their target. We need to keep our gaze on the Savior, so we don't sink and fall.


Heidi Kjar said...

These are so good Michelle. I love the things Mary Edmunds said- that really hit me that she said if we don't have joy there is something wrong! So true. We have every reason to be happy. That was a good reminder. As for the other analogy, I am so grateful the Lord still stands and waits for me even after I fall- I guess the most important thing is that I try to get back up after huh? Well thanks again for another good post.
You are an awesome person Michelle.

Shel said...

Yes, you are an amazing person Michelle. I love MaryEllenEdmunds too. She spoke when I was in the MTC ages ago and I took massive notes on her...she is unbelievable. Thanks for always adding things that help me to refocus! Love you!