28 March, 2008

Funny Moment

This morning the boys did something funny and I thought, I need to blog that. Usually I think I need to write it in their journal, but this is so much quicker. I need to start printing off pages from my blog to stick in their journals, I better get started with that.
Anyways, this morning the boys were playing on a chair in our bedroom. They were both standing on it and Hayden's shoulder bumped Carson's cheek bone, where he already has a bruise from Hayden and him playing yesterday, and Carson started to cry. Hayden apologized then suddenly flung his own face/cheek into the arm of the chair and started sort of crying- ow. Then they both looked at each other and started laughing. It was so cute, I thought it was especially cute of Hayden to want to hurt himself to help ease the pain of his little brother. They have been so sweet with each other the last few weeks.
This morning I went up to get Carson, and I could hear Hayden had picked the lock and gotten into Carson's room, which the whole purpose of locking Carson's door is to keep Hayden out, I guess it's not working too well. When I got upstairs, Carson was out of his crib and they were just playing on the floor with their toys. Hayden had apparently moved the toy bin over to Carson's crib and lifted him out of his bed. It makes me nervous to picture exactly how he got him out, but none the less there he was. Funny boys.


Nicki said...

Michelle- your boys are sooo cute! What a cute story-- I would have loved to see them in action. :)

Hey, I was just wondering if you knew that you can actually put your blog into a book? www.blurb.com . I've done a couple BLURB books and they are really great quality for the pretty cheap price. We did a wedding pic book instead of a photo album. Anyway, keep us posted on your house hunt!

Katie said...

These are funny stories. I love it!

(thanks for that tip Nicki)

Heidi Kjar said...

Ohh so cute. I want to see your little boys some time. Too bad they couldn't come to Dancing with the stars:) or I could have seen them! Hope your doing good!

Heidi Kjar said...

I just read about you getting a new house! I need to hear more- that is so cool!

Tara said...

Boys will be boys right! :) I love to hear your stories about your adventerous boys! they keep you on your feet. One is bad enough but when you get two of them together watch out!! there is no telling what micheif they will get into! So happy for you that you are looking for a house. Hope things are going well for you and your family!
love ya

Texas Blad's said...

How fun! Aren't sibling's great, sometimes, lol! I love watching mine little ones interact, but it really warms my heart when they enjoy each other!
By the way, I AM SO EXCITED for you guys and the house!! That's great! Congrats!!

Jenn said...

No one could ever call your life boring!!! =) Sounds like your boys keep you one your toys. They sound like fun!!! Hayden must be very smart!!!

Shel said...

I LOVE these stories...I hope my Carterboy will get to this point with little Brycee...he doesnt seem to be close yet. :( Keep hoping. CUTE CUTE STORIES!!