20 February, 2009

The boys are plotting. They are boycotting naps. I have tried to prepare myself for Hayden who just turned 5. I knew his naps wouldn't last much longer, but Carson? They think I cannot hear them going from room to room trying to be as quiet as can be (with doors slamming). I am trying to decide how to react. Do I show them I dis-approve, or do I let them think I have no idea and continue to enjoy some quiet computer time...with spouts of laughter. I like the latter!


Holly said...

I can't believe Hayden still naps. That's crazy! I prepare myself for boycotting naps when my kids turn two! And, lo and behold, Brooklyn hasn't napped in about two months, right before she turned two. Fun! And, no I don't know what I'm having yet. I think hopefully I'll have an ultrasound right before I come down, or maybe right after. I hope it's before!

The Tomlinsons said...

oh no....that is not a good thing. I need my break during the day. Even if it is only an hour, they need to nap. I feel for you!!!! I love that Leah (5 years old) still will take a 2 hour nap.